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For the Horseman by the Horseman

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Therapeutic Equine Magnetics

All G4orseMagnetx products are designed and fabricated using 2500 Gauss BiPolar magnets. Such magnets cause the blood vessels to dilate while kicking the ion into gear. In other words, they increase blood flow and increase oxygen to the cells. They also break down calcification and scar tissue while flushing away the foreign debris.
Constructed in a durable poly-coated, mesh fabric that allows ample air flow for long-lasting therapeutic healing and protection.

This is the only magnetic line designed and manufactured in the USA with an array of products and the capability of custom designing for special needs. 

Magnetic Blanket

This magnetic blanket is uniquely designed with girth and stifle wraps, ensuring optimal coverage for the key muscle groups like the shoulders, withers, back, hips, and hamstrings. It's a versatile product ideal for relaxation and pre-warmup. Our commitment to quality extends beyond just our products, as we also offer a lifetime warranty on repairs for all our blankets. We stand behind the durability and longevity of our products, ensuring that you can continue using them for years to come.​


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Magnetic mask

This magnetic mask offers a calming effect and has demonstrated remarkable efficacy with cribbers, weavers, and nervous horses. Its wide design over the poll helps soothe and rejuvenate tense muscles. Moreover, it is beneficial for eye injuries and effectively targets pressure points along the jawline.



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Magnetic Bell Boots

Five magnetic discs in each bell boot enhance blood flow to the foot, yielding excellent outcomes for conditions like Navicular, Ringbone, White-line, Quarter Cracks, and Abscesses. This boot significantly benefits foot health.



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Magnetic cannon boots

Tiffany Banuelos 

Each boot contains 6 discs and is lined with lycra fabric for cooling. Velcro closures on both sides allow for easy adjustments. It can be utilized for standing wraps or bandages and is particularly effective for Cannon injuries, Splints, Torn Suspensories, and Bowed Tendons. Additionally, it's excellent for hauling.



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"I've ran rehab for Adan Banuelos. I have access to every therapeutic product, but my go-to is G4orse. I am able to do my therapeaudic work in the morning and then use G4orse to hold what my other therapy did. When they showed me their new line, I was SHOCKED by how amazing it works. its cooling lycra and placement of magnets is perfect for hauling. I wouldnt change a thing!

Magnetic Knee Boots

Each boot contains 8 magnetic discs and is crafted with a cooling lycra fabric that fastens with 2" adjustable elastic bands and velcro closures. Ideal for knee injuries, Bone Spurs, and Arthritis.


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Magnetic Hock Boots

This boot features 10 magnetic discs strategically positioned around the hock. Enhanced with a cooling lycra fabric and equipped with 2" adjustable elastic and velcro closures, it offers exceptional support for conditions like Arthritis, hock injuries, inflammation, and Bone Spurs. A vital tool for maintaining the overall health and well-being of your horse's hocks.​


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Human and Pet Products


Magnetic Support Belt

This magnetic belt helps with back pains, and can improve your daily life by making your back feel great! 


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Magnetic Pet Bed

Your pets will thank you after being on this magnetic bed. It can help your pets pains and can also help them with anxiety or stress. 

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Magnetic Chair Cover

A magnetic chair cover can be beneficial in many aspects. It can enhance relaxation, circulation (neck, shoulders, back, gluts, and legs), focus, and healing. It is also great for reducing inflammation throughout the entire body. This is great to use for an office chair or a living room recliner. 


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